Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Broken Hand = Bad Typing for 6 Weeks

Due to a random injury this past weekend (let's just say it involved a go cart...), and thanks to my friend the radiologist, I just found out that my left hand is fractured in 2 places. Obviously, this now explains the swelling and pain over the past 3 days. Although I still have to see the my other friend, the orthopaedic surgeon, this likely means a splint/cast for about 6 weeks.

So... if any of you are wondering why I am slow in returning your emails, it is because I only have 1 "good" hand left to type and it is much slower this way. I am trying to find a good assistant who takes dictation and knows short-hand, so if you know of anyone, please let me know. My girlfriend says that I should not attempt humor, but if you can't laugh at this, you (I) will only cry. I am literally chained to my computer all day (it is part of being an author...), so I am not sure how to handle this small challenge, but please be understanding if my grammar slides for a few weeks due to my new hunt-and-peck typing.

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